Build it ahead of time

Originally posted to Shawn Hargreaves Blog on MSDN, Tuesday, November 7, 2006

One of the biggest differences between the XNA content pipeline and the way many people are used to loading their game assets is that with the content pipeline, games no longer read directly from standard asset formats like .X, .BMP, and .FX. Instead, we process those files into a specialized binary format at the same time as compiling your game code.

The idea of processing assets during the build will be familiar to anyone who has worked on a console game, but may come as a surprise to people from a Windows background. There are actually several reasons why this is a good idea:

But what if you need to convert content yourself, outside of XNA Game Studio Express? For instance what if you want to use the content pipeline in a level editor, or to convert user provided assets so that modders can extend your game?

You're in luck, because all the content pipeline build functionality is exposed as an MSBuild task. I won't go into details about MSBuild here (you can find more about it on MSDN, or using Google), other than to explain that MSBuild runs tasks as described by XML project files. In fact the .csproj files that you load into Game Studio Express are just a special kind of MSBuild project.

So to manually build content, you simply have to generate an MSBuild project that invokes the content pipeline, run it using MSBuild, and then load in the compiled .xnb files that will have been created for you.

Here is an example MSBuild project that uses the content pipeline to build a single file called MyTexture.tga:

  <Project xmlns="">
<UsingTask TaskName="BuildContent" AssemblyName="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6d5c3888ef60e27d" />
<XnaInstall>C:\Program Files\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio Express\v1.0\References\Windows\x86</XnaInstall>
<PipelineAssembly Include="$(XnaInstall)\Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.TextureImporter.dll" />
<Content Include="MyTexture.tga">
<Target Name="Build">
<BuildContent SourceAssets="@(Content)" PipelineAssemblies="@(PipelineAssembly)" TargetPlatform="Windows" />

If you save this XML into a file called test.proj, you can then run this from the commandline by invoking "msbuild test.proj".


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